Tears In The Fabric
A Documentary Film and Resource Website by Rainbow Collective and Openvizor
In Savar, Bangladesh, Razia struggles to raise two grandchildren after losing her daughters in the Rana Plaza factory collapse, a disaster which claimed the lives of over 1000 garment workers. One year on, TEARS IN THE FABRIC follows Razia as, amidst the struggle of raising and educating her grandsons, she searches for resolution and answers through protest on the streets of Dhaka and amongst the rubble and torn fabrics of Rana Plaza. Tears in the Fabric offers a starkly honest and deeply moving view of the human cost of high street fashion.
In February of 2014, acclaimed documentary film makers Rainbow Collective visited Savar in Bangladesh to shoot a documentary looking at the aftermath of the Rana Plaza disaster by focusing on the struggles of one family affected. The resulting film, Tears in the Fabric, follows on from Rainbow Collective’s 2010 film ‘The Machinists’ (produced for Al Jazeera) which featured the National Garments Workers Federation and it’s leader; Amiral al Haq Amin. Since the release and subsequent success of The Machinists, Rainbow Collective has built strong ties with the NGWF, who were instrumental in securing the access and characters for the new film.
This project has been supported by TRAID, Made In Europe and War On Want.
We would like to extend our deep gratitude to the people and families of Savar who invited us into their homes and trusted us to share their stories.

'Tears in the Fabric is a film that is not afraid to look grief squarely in the eye. And that is no small feat in a culture that can so easily go numb to the grim realities behind our consumption.' Julie Flynn Badal, Writer, The Huffington Post

Tears In The Fabric Resource Website
In addition to the production of Tears in the Fabric, Rainbow Collective also collected many testimonials from victims, eyewitnesses and families bereaved by the Rana Plaza disaster. In addition, Amirul Haq Amin, leader of the NGWF and Kobir; Head of the NGWF’s Savar office, are both interviewed about their response to Rana Plaza and how they see it has affected ordinary families. These interviews, along with the film itself and dozens of powerful photographs of the aftermath of the collapse and its victims has been launched on a new website which has become a hub for all information, journalism, advocacy and photography on the subject of Rana Plaza, the Tazreen fire and, over time, of other such disasters in the international garments industry. Visit the site here.